Estimated Time Pool Sharing (ETPS) is a digital currency product called DinarCoin (DNC). The ETPS program is managed and owned by Golden Serenity Ltd and is registered under the Seychelles jurisdiction.
ETPS is community-based trading platform for physical gold, digital assets and digital currencies. It is designed for serious traders and digital asset holders with easy access and protection value requirements. Golden Serenity Ltd is responsible for managing the DinarCoin (DNC) selling process at a lower price (promotion) through the ETPS program and providing income for investors, traders & affiliates. The main objective of this program is to promote DinarCoin into the global marketplace and to establish a large chain of DinarCoin melt for the initial phase. DinarDirham (Gold Prime Technology Ltd) is a provider of technology and software for Golden Serenity Ltd and has no role except offering software services.
How does ETPS Work?
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